7. Propeller Installation
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Propeller installation should only be done once the drone is ready to fly. Never have the propellers installed on the drone while you are working on the airframe or configuring its software.
Black Allen Key
(4x) Propeller Washer
(8x) Propeller Screws (m3x8)
(2x) Clock-Wise 15x5.5 Propeller
(2x) Counter-Clockwise 15x5.5 Propeller
Follow the diagrams below for propeller installation. Ensure that the clockwise and counterclockwise propellers are installed to the correct arms (see propeller orientation diagram). Hand-tighten the screws only, do not use power tools.
Ensure that the propellers are installed to the correct corresponding arms.
HAND TIGHTEN the propeller screw only, do not use power tools.
Check that the propellers are securely fastened.